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Let us know how we can improve. Vote on existing ideas or suggest new ones.
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Loop – carousel for post
Hello ! When the feature will come to add a carousel for a loop in generateblocks ? Best regards, Nicolas
A variant selection / toggle for Local Patterns (like Figma)
Hi Generate team! Technically, this is already possible with the new class-based system which is 100% awesome btw! So thank you for that! However, my idea is a bit more intuitive for non-developers like a toggle or select field for Local Patterns
ACF Relationship support for Query Loop block
Please allow the ability to create a Query Loop which pulls in dynamic data from a post's ACF Relationships. There have been several threads in the GB Support Forums enquiring about this, and you all have helpfully shared custom queries
Disable Free and Pro GB Pattern Libraries from Settings
I am aware that I can disable the Free and Pro GenerateBlocks Patterns from the GenerateBlocks Pattern Library from within the Block Editor, but if another user enables them, they are again enabled for me. It would be nice to be able to enable or di
UI options for global styles list page
Can we have a 'View CSS' icon (perhaps an eye) appear beside the 'Edit' (pencil) icon on the All Global Styles list page? It would spare the horizontal trip to your kebab menu plus 2 clicks to trigger that popup. Alternatively/Additionally, you mi
image block lightbox
a lightbox option for the image block, to be used as well with dynamic content would be amazing.
Now that all browsers support tooltips through the popover API, it would be great if the blocks offered a tooltip option.
Differentiate local styles added by the user or GB
When we make a block "clickable" using Dynamic Data, GenerateBlocks adds a local style (position:relative). I think the same thing happens when activating some other features. It would be really useful if there was a way to see who added the local
Dialog Tag for Container Block
While the default for Container Block is a ‘div’, it is great to be able to choose custom tag names: article, section, header, footer and aside. Is it possible to include a custom tag for ‘dialog’ to create modals? While I have used JavaScript to
Query Loop direct children
With GenerateBlocks Query Loop, when I select post type = “Pages”, parent = “Current post”, it is also showing the child pages of the current page child pages. Can you add an option to show only the direct children?
Image Block Object Positioning
Please add Object Position (X and Y) to complement the Object Fit setting within the Generate Image Block. An aspect-ratio option would be nice too :)
Bring back the old pattern library
The new pattern library designs are extremely dull in comparison, and that's even if they get round to loading. The previous designs were much better and had more options like 'footers', which the new lirbary doesn't even seem to have.
FAB (Floating Action Button) functionality
Include a new block for inserting a FAB button into pages. Ideally, it should be used as an Element where it can be assigned to specific groups of content and default to Best Practice location settings:
Can the Block Editor have a toggle that switches the UI to a compact view?
Laptop users might welcome the ability to choose a relatively cramped User Interface if that reduces the need for scrolling in the block editor. Can you provide an option with the same font and field sizes but a fraction of the white space? Someth
Global Styles for core blocks in the editor UI
Core blocks such as lists, tables, and navigation are extremely limited in styling options. (Perhaps FSE themes offer more support for styling them?) Obviously, the existing GB blocks cannot substitute for those core blocks. With the huge Global S
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